Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Upgrading Jamf Pro 10.7.1 to Jamf Pro 10.8

Overnight, Jamf released an even newer version of Jamf Pro, version 10.8. Since we're still in the testing phase, I figure that now is as good a time as any to give it a try. So, back to the Mini!

On the Jamf download page, you are warned to run a check on your database before upgrading to Jamf Pro 10.7.1 or 10.8, as there is an issue with a certain Smart Computer Group criteria that can cause infinite loops and other issues. Since I had already run this check before upgrading to 10.7.1, I did not need to do so this time, but anyone who hasn't run it yet should before going any further.

According to the Jamf Pro 10.8 installer, all of the prerequisites are the same as on 10.7.1, so this should be a fairly straight-forward update. Just like last time, it installed as a standard .pkg installer. This time, I didn't stop Tomcat beforehand, just to see what happened. Nothing of note occurred because of this omitted precaution.

After the installation is complete, I was prompted to go to to complete the database portion of the upgrade, with a strong admonition not to restart Tomcat while this is in progress. The browser sat at a blank white page for a minute or so, then switched to the usual gray screen with the Jamf Pro progress bar. After fifteen or so further seconds, the login prompt appeared.

Upon logging in, I was presented with a Software License and Service Agreement page, which required me to scroll to the bottom (after having carefully read the terms and conditions, of course) before I could click the Agree button.

Once agreed, I was taken to the normal Jamf Pro interface. I confirmed that all of our computers, Policies, etc. were as they should be. Upgrade completed with no issues.

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