Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Don't use an ampersand in the title of a macOS installer package

I recently created a macOS installer for an application using Jamf Pro's Composer, and was disappointed to find that when I went to run it, I got an error reading:

The operation couldn't be completed.
(com.apple.installer.pagecontroller error -1.)

I examined the name of the package I had created. This application has an ampersand in its name, and I put its version number, 6.0, at the end of the package name. I know that the period in the version number does not cause any issues, nor do spaces in the name, so the only odd one out is the ampersand. I removed it, rebuilt the package, and found that I could install it without issue.

So, in summary, don't use an ampersand in the title of a macOS installer package, or you'll get a very unhelpful error.


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